There are mainly three types of PEX plumbing systems: PEX-A, PEX-B, and PEX-C. These types refer to the different manufacturing processes used to create the cross-linked polyethylene material. Each type has its own characteristics and advantages.

1. PEX-A (Engel Method):

  • Manufacturing Process: Produced using the Engel method, which involves the cross-linking of polyethylene by exposing it to high temperatures and pressures.
  • Properties:
    • PEX-A has a more uniform and consistent structure due to the manufacturing process, making it more flexible than other types of PEX.
    • It can withstand greater temperature and pressure fluctuations without damage or breaking.
    • It has the ability to “heal” to a certain extent when stretched, which means it can return to its original shape even after being expanded.
  • Advantages:
    • Higher flexibility, making it easier to work with in tight spaces and reduce the need for fittings.
    • More resistant to freezing and bursting due to its flexibility.

2. PEX-B (Silane Method):

  • Manufacturing Process: Made using the Silane method, which involves cross-linking polyethylene by introducing a catalyst and then subjecting it to moisture and heat.
  • Properties:
    • PEX-B is slightly stiffer compared to PEX-A but still more flexible than traditional rigid plumbing materials like copper.
    • It is less prone to kinking compared to PEX-C.
    • It exhibits good temperature and pressure resistance but might not be as flexible as PEX-A.
  • Advantages:
    • Cost-effective and commonly used in residential plumbing applications.
    • Resistant to chlorine and other chemicals commonly found in water systems.

3. PEX-C (Electron Beam or Radiation Method):

  • Manufacturing Process: Created using the electron beam method or radiation method, where the cross-linking of polyethylene is achieved by exposing it to an electron beam or radiation.
  • Properties:
    • PEX-C falls in between PEX-A and PEX-B in terms of flexibility and stiffness.
    • It has good resistance to high temperatures and pressure.
    • It is known for its memory properties, meaning it retains its shape even after being bent.
  • Advantages:
    • Resistant to corrosion and scaling.
    • Suitable for both hot and cold water applications.


  • Each type of PEX has its advantages, but choosing the right type depends on the specific requirements of the plumbing project, local building codes, and regulations.
  • PEX-A is often preferred for its superior flexibility, while PEX-B and PEX-C are more cost-effective alternatives that still offer good performance.
  • It’s important to ensure compatibility with fittings and connectors as different types of PEX might have specific requirements for connections.

When selecting a PEX plumbing system, it’s essential to consider factors such as the intended application, local building codes, cost, and specific properties required for the installation. Consulting with a plumbing professional can help in choosing the most suitable type of PEX for your project.